This is a Christian non denominational deliverance web site for the purpose of ministering in healing, deliverance and setting the captives free, Isaiah 61.

I have had 30 years experience in deliverance and give Jesus Christ all the Praise & Glory for what he has done in my life and how he has used me to set many people free from the Enemy time and time again. Assuredly as Jesus Christ is Lord, we have an adversity whose name is Satan. His only objective is to Kill, Steal and Destroy. Most people including most Christians have completely underestimated his level of Control which he has over Humanity, including most Christians and the whole World.


Ironically, Satan has even deceived most Christians into believing they can’t have a demon, this is totally unscriptural and if it were so, Christians would be perfect as well as free from any forms of sickness or mental torment! So great is the deception which I have come across in the Christian Community that Church leaders actually resist the Holy Spirit in this ministry, failing to recognize that Jesus is at work….. like so many religious leaders of his time did denying the Power! Jesus called them Pharisees, and no one would classify themselves in this category, as no one thinks they are deceived do they!!! Not to cast out demons is totally unscriptural and in fact these people have a different gospel than that which Jesus preached. Firstly, I would like settle this false doctrine that most churches seem to teach…. That Christians can’t have a demon, (which is totally false and actually absurd!)  They haven’t come to the realization the Body is made up of x three parts, (Spirit, Soul and Body). OK, we understand that now, firstly demons can not inhabit a Born Again persons Spirit, but they can certainly inhabit a persons Soul and Body. Galatians 5 verse 19 tells us of the works of the Flesh that Christians can have, well it might surprise you that these are all the names of demons, & I know, because I have cast them out of Born Again Christians! Now for the proof in Scripture…. 2 Corinthians 7 verse 1. “Therefore, having these promises beloved ( talking to Christians here!!! ) let us cleanse ourselves from all Filthiness of THE FLESH AND THE SPIRIT, perfecting holiness in the fear of God”.  Filthiness of the Spirit that we have to cleanse ourselves from????.whats that talking about????? It’s certainly not the new Born again mans spirit which is a new creation in Christ Jesus, it is of course talking about the EVIL SPIRITS. So we see the Evil spirits are in the Soul and the Body of the Christian.

Satan has a Kingdom which incorporates an army, his demons operate with strategy, cunning and great deception. His Kingdom is highly organised and is controlled by fear. Basically it is a counterfeit of Gods Kingdom but instead of Love he uses Fear. The Demonic armies have military precision which most armies of the world would envy, highly organised and very structured. Jesus said a kingdom divided against itself could not stand, and believe me Satans kingdom is not divided unless their comes a more powerful one than they!!! and that my freinds is where the Body of Christ comes into play!…for the weapons of our warefare are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds, and when that happens, the enemy flees …Praise the Lord.

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