Author Archives: PeterDelivera


Hi Saints,

We have added to the web site a new subscription feature which emails everybody automatically every time we have a new posting, this will include the weekly fellowship invitation. If you no longer wish to be part  of the Lord’s fellowship you can delete yourself at the bottom, there is an unsubscribe button.

Don’t forget that we have Carla Butaud as a special guest booked for 16th January. Her web site is attached . Try not to miss it and tell your friends.

The message tomorrow will be about Our Identity in Christ which we touched on last week. This week I will hopefully have the power point for it.

The message will be streamed on line…. but the prayer, fellowship & deliverance etc. won’t be streamed so don’t be concerned about your privacy. Even while the message is streamed you won’t be visible ok.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the Zoom Room, it is becoming quite a hangout for the Lord’s Children in getting all kinds of help, particularly the fellowship.

Great testimonies which Tracy is posting on the web site

The teachings are being posted on the web site each week as PDF files for further study and sharing.

The Fellowship is about training and equipping the saints for ministry. So we need to try &  focus on power & demonstrations

Of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2 verse 6.

Christ is the head of HIS BODY (The True Church) and we are all ONE IN HIM. Church without walls.

This week we will look at Seeking a relationship with God in His Power, not in our own power!!

Remember the gifts of the Spirit are there for the edification of the His Body, whom you are, so there is no better time to use them as in fellowship, Amen!

Remember the principle of this fellowship is building a foundation in Christ, then the deliverance is simple,  so we will be feasting on the importance of manifesting HIS LOVE THROUGH FAITH, and the enemy hates this as we see every week!!!

So we are in for another Banquet seated at his table!

Again….. Please make sure you come into  the group clothed in the full armour of God, this is front line ministry, please don’t worry because then you know you are in the right place and the Lord will lift a Standard against them

The meeting  runs  for 10-12 hours so you can even join us at any time and leave anytime!

Otherwise please try to be there as close to start time as possible, so we can enjoy communion together as a Body.

When you join us  feel free to bring whatever’s on your heart to share at the Lords Zoom Room this Saturday or Sunday (check time zone),

I see the Church as His Body,  functioning  as the Lord created it to function, his true Church ….Christ at the Head with the Spirit leading, Amen!!

Looking  forward to seeing you ALL.

Details are  below .

You can get all the details for  the Commission/Deliverance at….  then click on TRAINING on the front page.

You are invited to a Zoom Online meeting, you first will need to download Zoom, the link is  if you have not already.

Then click on the link below 1., it will open your web browser and bring you straight into the Zoom Room.

Otherwise open the Zoom App and type in the ID No: which is 392740301 and it will also bring you in.

Topic: Peter Johnson’s Zoom Meeting Online Fellowship

  1. Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:    Click this link to join Ok  when the fellowship starts.

Time: January 2nd Saturday 5.30pm New York time  /  January 3rd, 8:30 AM (GMT+10:00)  Brisbane Australia …….. Click time zone link below to check your time difference.   Or join by phone:

  +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll     Meeting ID: 392 740 301     International numbers available:

Be Blessed

Peter Johnson



VASHTI: Spirit of Feminism– Works with Jezebel.
Assignment- Divorse, Rebellion to the Man of God, False Glory, Gold and Riches.

This is a Demon which the Lord brought to my attention and exposed it to me. In the space of  2 weeks, i encountered it x5 times, it was in x3 sisters & x2 brothers. It is a spirit of Feminism. Vashti is a Principality & works with Jezebel .  You can read about Vashti in the book of Ester. I have heard a lot of false teaching about this spirit by Christians who seemily don’t know her true identity….especially on U Tube. I recommend this link if you want to know why she was a Villain and not a woman of dignity which is what i hear Christians identitfying her as.   

This spirit causes Divorse and Division by means of Rebellion to the Man of God, she does not like Male authority….after all she considers herself superior, with her royal Babylonian blood line, just like Jezebel, she is self righteous. Upon intergation of this demon, it disclosed that false glory was its covering. It revealed also that it had worked with Jezebel to have  the head covering removed from the church! This happened to a large extent during this century with the Feminist movement, Hats became a fashion statement bringing class distinction and they were eventually done away with, leaving the women open for attack from the enemy. Hence the widely misinterpreted scripture 1 Corinthians 11 3-16, which i will come to in a later document. Head covering is not legalism as it was not in the Law. It is interesting to note that Jezebel hates the head covering and has in fact tried many times to have it removed during deliverance, shouting and commanding…get that f#*~”g thing off me!!! A womens hair is her glory.