Deliverance Testimonies!


Amazing Holy Spirit led deliverance session with Tracy Johnson and her fellow ministers the other night. The Holy Spirit didn’t waste any time in getting down to business and hitting the nail on the head. Gagged up a legion: pride, jealousy, envy, competitiveness, jezebel, rejection, and restlessness were all exposed and cast out in Jesus name. My heart welled with shame, my cheeks burned and I heaved sighs as these unwelcome resident spirits knew they had been caught and had to go. Haughty looks and fornication were met with repentance. Glory was given to God for exposing the works of darkness operating in my life. I am feeling more freedom, but I know that there is no once and for all with deliverance, as long as we are here the work is ongoing. I will be rebuking these evil things for the rest of my time on earth.

Snakes and scorpions your time is short. We have authority over you in Christ not the other way around. Foul spirits reading this tremble and confess that you are under the authority of the Almighty and there is no other name but the name of Jesus by which you must come out. Thank you Jesus!

Sister S

Free to Love    Rosalyn Rouquier

Can Christians be influenced or even have a demonic or evil spirt?

The answer is a resounding YES and it is scriptural. Mark 16:15 Jesus’s last words to His disciples were go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creatue. Then in verse Mar 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;

This shows two things to me that 1) beleivers, even brand new beleivers have the authority to cast out demons 2) who are the demons being cast out of? The passage is speaking about beleivers so that is who they are to cast them out of.

Have I had demons cast out of me, another resounding yes!

As a baby I was adopted and with that comes a whole heap of emotional traumas lets say. The two that affected me the most were rejection and abandoment. Interestingly the abandonment didn’t surface ’til after the rejection was dealt with. Rejection is what I will talk about here.

How did I know I suffered with rejection because the Lord showed me through a faithful minister that I was a perfectionist and quite competitive, this was to myway of thinking how people would accept me. There was deep sense of I wasnt worthy and I didn’t particulary like myself for no logical reason. I always felt alone even in a room full of people and I am somewhat of a people person so to me this was strange. It was difficult for me to love others also, I wanted to but really didnt know what that looked like!

This rejection also stopped me from entering into an intimate relationship with the Father. I loved Jesus and the Holy Spirit and felt close to them but the Father that was a different story. To me He was some grandfather figure in the distance. I loved him but the relationship was from afar.

Once being enlightened and wanting to be set free and I knew that scriptually this was possible I visited my pastor and his wife who ministered deliverance. They prayed, she had words of knowledge and eventually that thing came off me. I felt it was wrapped around middle of my back around where the heart would be and the pastors wife said she felt it move also.Glory to God Amen.

Was I instantly changed? I believe so, I lost that competetive drive and the need to be accepted through my works. My heart was now open to form an intimate realtionship with the Father and because He is gentle,kind and so loving He just allowed it to develop at the right timing in Him.

I now know how much I am loved by the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost, I am accepted in the beloved, that I will never be alone again, and most of all it has shown me I can freely give because feely I have received. I am now “Free to Love”

Freedom From Jezebel Spirit and Complete Healing From Celiac

The summer of 2015 someone told me I had a Jezebel spirit. I naturally denied it, got offended and then I went online and googled it. After hours of pouring over website after website learning about this horrific demon called “Jezebel” I was convinced I had it. So I did what any new Christian would do, I went to churches asking for deliverance. I got brushed off, lied to and assured I did not have demons; after all how could I, I was a Christian.

So back online I searched for help. God lead me to this website, where I found some great people who assured me I was completely normal (only Jesus didn’t have demons) and who were willing to cast the devils out in Jesus name.  During one of my deliverance sessions (done on skype or in the zoom room) I heard a voice in my head scream “I’m the reason she can’t have bread” a few yawns and a cough or two later we called it a night. I joined the group the following Saturday for fellowship and took communion with ‘real bread’ for the first time! I was no longer celiac! Jesus had set me free! Jesus hadn’t only set me free from some celiac demon, who shall remain nameless, Jesus brought me to a group of people who showed me what real church is and what true discipleship looks like.

Matthew 10:1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.

Desiree E.

British Columbia, CANADA

Freedom from the spirit of Lucifer

Freedom from the spirit of Lucifer. ….
Peter and Bill helped pray for me when I was being tormented. They found out I had a spirit of Lucifer. This demon was nasty, I mean really nasty. He did not like Peter or Bill AT ALL. I remember trying to stare a cold stare to Peter through my computer as if he could see me. This spirit was very compelled to get close to the computer camera. However, Peter used the cross in his hand and each time he would put it close to the computer I would be forcefully drawn back into the couch as if something forcefully pushed me.
Bill noticed that my eyes had completely turned black during part of the deliverance.
The demons were so desperate to get away I remember unplugging the computer with my foot also. The Lord also reveled the enemies “war Table” at this time. See the “prayers” section for a prayer against this if you are battling spirit of Lucifer.
I remember feeling very puffed up and powerful, but after a little bit of prayer I felt weaker and weaker to where I could just barely breathe. The demon was defeated and cast to the pit by the Lord Jesus Christ! thank you Jesus for setting me free! Also, thank you for Peter and Bill for taking time to serve the Lord ad his people. God bless them both!
~~ Tracy Johnson, USA ~~

Freedom from Spirit Husband/ Spirit Wife

Wow! God is amazing! I’m working on the synopsis for a book I read 4 months ago. It’s called Deliverance from Spirit husband spirit wife. This is the book that lead me to a 7 day fast to rid myself of spirit husband. Day three of the fast Matthew tells me he met a woman and was going to be with her.
Since reading this book my life has been turned upside down. I’m looking through it and realize that I did not feel the touch of God or hear His voice when I read this book. I also had problems with lust, fantasy, lying and anger.
Praise God! Not only do I feel His touch now I feel it all day! I also hear Him and have affectionate experiences with Him. I also used to sin without being troubled. I am terribly troubled when I sin now.
This entire experience; all 4 months have been terrible, but wow! What I’ve gained is better than anything I had. Praise God!

Sarah B

If you are seeking an encounter with the Holy Spirit…..

If you are seeking an encounter with the Holy Spirit, fellowship with a family of believers, and fruitful teachings deriving straight from God, then you have come to the right place at Peter Johnson’s Zoom Meeting Online Fellowship. We know God is not limited by time or space, so hopefully you will agree He is also not limited by online fellowship.

Personally, I am seeking a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Father through Jesus. Each time I attend this church group I am edified and sharpened with the relevant and much needed revelation that I must stand upon and need to grow in the Lord.

I have been blessed to have known Peter Johnson personally for a little over a year now and would like to say a few things about him as well.

The only thing that exceeds Peter’s willingness to help others is his own personal relationship and full devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. He trust in the Lord and does not quench the spirit to please man. I find this quality to be a rarity these days and admire it. The ministry he operates is the Lord’s ministry and is built upon the pillar of love, which always endures all things and overcomes in the face of the enemy. I feel very blessed and am grateful to be continuously learning from the Holy Spirit through Peter and all of the brothers and sisters at this Zoom Meeting.

 So Christians can have a demon! 

I’ve been with Peter’s group (the Holy Spirits group run via Peter) for around two years .When I arrived I was in rather a desperate state (I had a hamburger with the lot so to speak) Severe heaviness,oppression,depression,tiredness ,lethargy , weariness , bound up by legalism , pretty much bound from head to foot. The world was a dark place. I had just discovered the reality of the demonic world and the wonderful world of deliverance through the internet after reading
Mark 16:17-18
17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

So Christians can have a demon! So Satan is a liar and he’s lied to the churches! Payback time:)

I found Win Worley and then omega man, then through omega man radio, P (squared) as Shannon called them Peter Johnson and Peter Whiffin who joyfully started attacking the Hosts of hell. And the hosts were not happy and fought back real hard and still are to this day, but the Lord is faithful and I am gaining the victory through HIM as I come into the understanding that he’s the deliverer and not me and he just isn’t one bit impressed when I think I can do it myself. Self works has been one thing I’ve had trouble coming out of. The battle rages :)

Whenever it all feels overwhelming which can be often – I know I have an awesome group of brothers and sisters in this group who have my back and the Lord uses each of us to help each of us.Those who are not interested in arguments and faction anyway. The Lord seems to remove anyone that does this- so be warned. Unity is key to this group. It’s the body of Jesus Christ functioning as it should -it’s awesome ! And the full on presence of the Holy Spirit working through all kinds of personalities and people. Hone your discernment in this group of what the Spirit is saying to the chuches! :)

Steve w